

作者:付来友 发表时间:2012-06-08 浏览次数:5693

 Anthropological Frontier Seminar

 二零一二年春  第五讲  总第七讲

 Lecture 5, spring 2012, Total 7th

讲题(Title):中国同志(同性恋者)的亲属实践 Queer Kinship Practices in Contemporary Chinese Society
主讲人(Key Speaker):殷莉 Elisabeth L. Engebretsen

时间: 2012年6月14日(周四)下午2:00——4:00
地点: 中国人民大学科研楼A座 212会议室
主办: 中国人民大学人类学研究所
Time: 14th,June(Thursday),2012  2:00PM——4:00PM
Site:  Number 212 Meeting Room, A-wing of Building of Keyan
Held By: Institute of Anthropology, Renmin University of China


 讲座内容简介(A Brief Introduction of the Report):


 How do Chinese ‘tongzhi’ (tongxinglianzhe) negotiate same-sex desires and relationships vis-a-vis their families and conventional society? A key issue that emerges in these negotiations is how to successfully balance the personal desire for happiness and romantic love, with the dominant social norm of respectability (mianzi, or ‘face’), especially the normative marriage ideal. Is ‘face’ more important than being happy? Should a lala (lesbian) daughter sacrifice her personal happiness for the sake of family respectability? Based on long-term anthropological research in Beijing’s tongzhi community, this paper discusses several cases of tongzhi family and marital strategies as they attempt to navigate new ideals for modern personhood, alternative family constellations, and forms of marriage. I seek to demonstrate how Chinese tongzhi place high value on many aspects of traditional kinship values, such as being filial, good daughters and sons, and support elderly parents and kin, but at the same time, how newly emergent alternatives, mediated by material and symbolic resources (education, employment, cosmopolitan middle-class identity) also enable lasting and committed same-sex unions, sometimes even with parents and families’ expressive support.


 主讲人简介(A Brief Introduction of The Key Speaker):


 Elisabeth L. Engebretsen (PhD Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2008) is a Research Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland.  Previously, she was Lecturer at the Department of Anthropology and at the Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, at McGill University, Canada (2009-2011), and Postdoctoral Fellow in Transnational Sexualities, The Women’s Studies Program, Duke University, USA (2008-2009). Her monograph,Queer Women in Urban China: An Ethnography is forthcoming spring 2013 on Routledge, New York.

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